Body Detoxification Program

Body Detoxification Program is offered to patients as part of>Meliora Integrative Medicine’s Five-Point Restorative Approach.

The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon its own mechanisms.
—Dr. Andrew Weil

If you look at ancient systems of health care, they have ways of detoxifying the body. Ayurvedic medicine is traditional Indian medicine that has been around for thousands of years. The word Ayurveda translates as the science of life and longevity. In Ayurveda regular periods of detoxification are done because its core philosophy is that health is a state in which the body is clear of toxins, the mind is settled, emotions are happy, wastes are consistently eliminated and organs are working efficiently. Native Americans and other similar cultures around the world have used periodic fasting and sweat lodges to purify body, mind and spirit Considering the modern times that we live in now, we are constantly exposed to toxins in our air, food, water, soil and household products. Therefore, it’s important that we also practice periodic cleansing or detoxification.
Our detoxification mechanisms and pathways can become overburdened depending on how much toxins we ingest or are exposed to. Toxins become lodged in the bowel, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and especially fat tissue. The toxic build up prevents the normal uptake and utilization of nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins. It reduces the body’s oxygen uptake and creates an acidic, septic, low-energy state, prone to disease. Some of these toxins or chemicals are endocrine disruptors and can cause hormonal imbalance, others impact neurotransmitters which can affect your brain and mental state, while other chemicals can affect our immune system and digestive function. So when all systems are affected and can’t work effectively, imbalance occurs, and our body becomes unable to heal and repair itself naturally.

Toxin build up contributes to a number of condition and disease states such as:

Who should detoxify?

It’s not a question of whether you’ve been exposed to toxins – it’s a matter of what your toxic burden is and how much impact they are having on your health. It is recommended that anyone who desires optimal health and wellness should detoxify seasonally.

How It Works

The detoxification process begins with an initial consultation. A detailed history and toxic questionnaire will be taken. Depending on your specific symptoms and issues, advanced laboratory diagnostic testing can be done to evaluate various toxins that may be present in your body and the status of your detoxification pathways. A customized program will be created to support your body’s natural detoxification and elimination pathways. This can include a combination of optimal diet and nutrients and supplements to support the liver and gut. Recommendations will also be made to help reduce exposure to toxins.

Optimize Your Health and Wellness with our Body Detoxification Program

Toxin clearance is essential for optimal health and wellness. If you are interested in learning more, schedule a consultation with us today.